The Seven of Swords Tarot Card: Meaning, Love and Wealth

In the captivating realm of tarot, The Seven of Swords Tarot Card: Meaning, Love and Wealth . Each card tells a story, revealing insights into the complexities of human nature and the challenges we face on our journey through life. Among them, the Seven of Swords stands as a powerful symbol of deception, betrayal, and strategic thinking. As we explore the rich symbolism and interpretations of this card, we uncover its significance in matters of love and relationships, as well as its implications for wealth and personal growth. From its depiction of a figure sneaking away with stolen swords to its association with cunning and deceit, the Seven of Swords invites us to confront the shadows within ourselves and navigate the delicate balance between self-preservation and ethical behavior.

The Seven of Swords:

In traditional tarot decks, the Seven of Swords portrays a figure sneaking away from a campsite with five swords in hand, leaving behind two swords planted firmly in the ground. The figure’s sneaky demeanor and the stolen swords suggest deception, betrayal, and strategic thinking. The campsite symbolizes a place of security or refuge, while the act of stealing the swords represents a breach of trust or integrity.

Meaning and The Seven of Swords:

The Seven of Swords symbolizes deception, betrayal, and strategic thinking. When this card appears in a tarot reading, it often signifies a situation where someone is acting dishonestly or deceitfully, either towards the querent or by the querent themselves. It suggests that the querent may need to be cautious of hidden agendas or ulterior motives in their interactions with others.

In matters of love, the Seven of Swords represents deception, betrayal, and dishonesty in relationships. It suggests that the querent may be experiencing a sense of distrust or suspicion towards their partner, or that their partner may be acting deceitfully or unfaithfully. This card encourages individuals to confront their fears and suspicions with honesty and openness, knowing that trust is the foundation of any healthy relationship.

In the realm of wealth and finances, the Seven of Swords symbolizes dishonesty or theft in financial matters. It may indicate that the querent is experiencing financial losses due to theft or fraud, or that they themselves may be tempted to act dishonestly in order to gain an advantage. This card serves as a warning to proceed with caution and integrity in financial dealings, knowing that dishonesty only leads to further complications and consequences.

Love and Relationships:

When the Seven of Swords appears in a love reading, it often signifies deception, betrayal, and dishonesty in relationships. The figure sneaking away with stolen swords symbolizes someone acting deceitfully or unfaithfully, either towards the querent or by the querent themselves.

For those who are single, the Seven of Swords may indicate that the querent is encountering potential partners who are not being honest or forthcoming about their intentions. It encourages individuals to trust their instincts and be cautious of red flags or warning signs in new relationships.

In existing relationships, the Seven of Swords may suggest that there is a breach of trust or integrity between partners, leading to feelings of distrust or suspicion. It encourages couples to confront their issues with honesty and openness, seeking resolution and healing through honest communication and mutual understanding.

Wealth and Finances:

In matters of wealth and finances, the Seven of Swords symbolizes dishonesty or theft in financial matters. It may indicate that the querent is experiencing financial losses due to theft or fraud, or that they themselves may be tempted to act dishonestly in order to gain an advantage.

This card serves as a warning to proceed with caution and integrity in financial dealings, knowing that dishonesty only leads to further complications and consequences. It encourages individuals to be vigilant and honest in their financial affairs, knowing that true wealth and success come from acting with integrity and honor.

Image result for tarot seven of swords images
  Image result for tarot seven of swords images

The Combination of The Seven of Swords and Other Tarot Cards:

The Seven of Swords takes on new layers of meaning when paired with other tarot cards, offering deeper insights into its influence and significance.

Seven of Swords + The Moon:
This combination represents hidden motives and deception. The Seven of Swords symbolizes deceit and betrayal, while The Moon embodies illusions, secrets, and the subconscious mind. Together, they suggest that the querent may be dealing with hidden agendas or ulterior motives in their interactions with others, and encourages them to trust their instincts and intuition.
Seven of Swords + The Tower:
When these cards appear together, it signifies a sudden upheaval or revelation that exposes deception and betrayal. The Seven of Swords represents dishonesty and theft, while The Tower embodies destruction, chaos, and sudden change. Together, they suggest that the querent may be facing a crisis or moment of truth that forces them to confront difficult truths and make difficult decisions.
Seven of Swords + Justice:
This combination represents the consequences of dishonesty and betrayal. The Seven of Swords symbolizes deceit and betrayal, while Justice embodies fairness, balance, and accountability. Together, they suggest that the querent may be facing the consequences of their actions or dealing with the fallout from someone else’s deceitful behavior.
Seven of Swords + The Devil:
When these cards appear together, it signifies the temptation to act dishonestly or unethically. The Seven of Swords represents deceit and betrayal, while The Devil embodies temptation, bondage, and materialism. Together, they suggest that the querent may be facing inner or external pressures to act dishonestly in order to achieve their goals, and encourages them to resist temptation and uphold their integrity.
Seven of Swords + The High Priestess:
This combination represents hidden knowledge and intuition. The Seven of Swords symbolizes deceit and betrayal, while The High Priestess embodies intuition, wisdom, and inner knowing. Together, they suggest that the querent may need to trust their instincts and intuition to uncover hidden truths or motives in their interactions with others.
Seven of Swords + The Hierophant:
When these cards appear together, it signifies a conflict between tradition and deception. The Seven of Swords represents deceit and betrayal, while The Hierophant embodies tradition, authority, and moral values. Together, they suggest that the querent may be grappling with ethical dilemmas or questioning established beliefs in the face of deceit and dishonesty.


The Seven of Swords invites us to confront the shadows within ourselves and navigate the delicate balance between self-preservation and ethical behavior. Whether in matters of love and relationships or wealth and personal growth, this card reminds us that deceit and betrayal have consequences, both for ourselves and for those around us. Through its interactions with other tarot cards, the Seven of Swords offers deeper insights into the complexities of deception and strategic thinking, guiding us on a journey of self-awareness, integrity, and ultimately, ethical decision-making.

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