The Seven of Pentacles Reversed and Five of Wands Reversed Tarot Card Combination

The Seven of Pentacles Reversed and Five of Wands Reversed Tarot Card Combination. Tarot readings provide profound insights into our lives by interpreting the rich symbolism and meanings of individual cards and their combinations. When two cards appear together, they create a unique and powerful narrative that can offer deeper understanding and guidance. In this article, we will explore the combination of the Seven of Pentacles Reversed and the Five of Wands Reversed, examining their individual symbolism and the insights they offer when combined.

The Seven of Pentacles Reversed Tarot Card

The Seven of Pentacles is a card from the suit of Pentacles, associated with the element of earth and material aspects of life, such as work, finances, and tangible achievements. When upright, it represents patience, assessment, and long-term planning. When reversed, its meanings shift significantly.

Key Themes of the Seven of Pentacles Reversed Tarot Card:

  1. Impatience and Frustration: The reversed Seven of Pentacles often signifies impatience and frustration with the pace of progress. There may be a feeling of dissatisfaction with the results of one’s efforts, leading to a sense of wanting immediate results.
  2. Lack of Reward: It can indicate a lack of reward or recognition for hard work and effort. This may suggest that the investment of time and energy has not yielded the expected returns.
  3. Poor Planning: The reversed Seven of Pentacles may point to poor planning or lack of foresight. It can suggest that the foundations laid were not solid enough, leading to unsatisfactory outcomes.
  4. Reevaluation: This card often calls for reevaluation of goals, strategies, and efforts. It suggests the need to reconsider the current approach and possibly make adjustments.

When the Seven of Pentacles appears reversed in a reading, it often signals the need to address issues related to impatience, lack of progress, and the effectiveness of one’s efforts.

seven of pentacles reversed

The Five of Wands Reversed Tarot Card

The Five of Wands is a card from the suit of Wands, associated with the element of fire and aspects of life such as conflict, competition, and dynamic energy. When upright, it represents conflict, struggle, and competition. When reversed, its meanings also shift.

Key Themes of the Five of Wands Reversed Tarot Card:

  1. Resolution of Conflict: The reversed Five of Wands often signifies the resolution of conflict and the end of struggles. It suggests that disputes are being settled and harmony is being restored.
  2. Avoidance of Conflict: It can also indicate avoidance of conflict, where issues are being ignored rather than addressed. This may lead to underlying tensions remaining unresolved.
  3. Inner Conflict: The reversed Five of Wands may point to inner conflict and struggles within oneself. It suggests a need to address personal issues and find inner harmony.
  4. Collaboration: This card can suggest a shift towards collaboration and cooperation instead of competition and conflict. It indicates a move towards working together to achieve common goals.

When the Five of Wands appears reversed in a reading, it often signals the resolution of external conflicts or the need to address internal struggles and seek harmony.

five of wands reversed

The Combination of the Seven of Pentacles Reversed and the Five of Wands Reversed Tarot Card

When the Seven of Pentacles Reversed and the Five of Wands Reversed appear together, their combined energies create a narrative of addressing impatience and frustration with progress while resolving conflicts and seeking harmony. Here’s a detailed exploration of what this combination might signify:

  1. Impatience and Frustration with Progress: The Seven of Pentacles Reversed signifies impatience and frustration with the pace of progress, while the Five of Wands Reversed suggests the resolution of conflicts. Together, these cards indicate that the frustration with progress might be linked to unresolved conflicts or competitive struggles. Addressing these conflicts can help alleviate frustration and improve progress.
  2. Need for Reevaluation and Collaboration: This combination highlights the need to reevaluate current strategies and efforts (Seven of Pentacles Reversed) and move towards collaboration and cooperation (Five of Wands Reversed). It suggests that working together with others and finding common ground can help overcome the lack of progress and lead to more satisfactory outcomes.
  3. Avoidance of Conflict Leading to Stagnation: The Five of Wands Reversed can indicate avoidance of conflict, and when paired with the Seven of Pentacles Reversed, it suggests that avoiding necessary confrontations and discussions might be contributing to stagnation and lack of progress. It’s essential to address underlying issues and not ignore them to move forward effectively.
  4. Inner Conflict and Dissatisfaction: The combination of these cards can also point to inner conflict and dissatisfaction with personal progress. The Seven of Pentacles Reversed signifies frustration with one’s efforts, while the Five of Wands Reversed suggests internal struggles. Addressing these inner conflicts and finding inner harmony is crucial for achieving a sense of fulfillment and progress.

seven of pentacles reversed and five of wands reversed tarot cards combination meaning

Practical Applications

To effectively navigate the energies of the Seven of Pentacles Reversed and the Five of Wands Reversed, consider the following practical steps:

  1. Reevaluate Your Approach: The Seven of Pentacles Reversed calls for a reevaluation of your current strategies and efforts. Take time to assess what’s working and what’s not. Identify areas where adjustments are needed and make necessary changes to improve outcomes.
  2. Address Conflicts Head-On: Avoiding conflicts can lead to unresolved tensions and hinder progress. The Five of Wands Reversed suggests addressing conflicts directly and seeking resolution. Open communication and finding common ground can help resolve disputes and restore harmony.
  3. Seek Collaboration: Instead of working in isolation or competing with others, seek opportunities for collaboration and cooperation. The combined energy of these cards suggests that working together with others can lead to better outcomes and help overcome stagnation.
  4. Manage Impatience: Impatience can lead to frustration and hasty decisions. The Seven of Pentacles Reversed advises managing impatience and understanding that progress takes time. Focus on the long-term goals and be patient with the process.
  5. Find Inner Harmony: Address any inner conflicts and work towards finding inner harmony. The Five of Wands Reversed indicates the need to resolve internal struggles. Practices such as meditation, journaling, or seeking support from a counselor can help achieve inner peace and clarity.
  6. Set Realistic Expectations: Unrealistic expectations can lead to dissatisfaction and frustration. The Seven of Pentacles Reversed suggests setting realistic goals and expectations. Understand that progress may be slow and incremental, and celebrate small achievements along the way.

Example Scenarios

To better illustrate the combined meaning of the Seven of Pentacles Reversed and the Five of Wands Reversed, here are a few example scenarios:

  1. Career Challenges: Imagine you’re feeling frustrated with your career progress, represented by the Seven of Pentacles Reversed. You’ve been putting in the effort but not seeing the desired results. At the same time, the workplace has been fraught with conflicts and competition, represented by the Five of Wands Reversed. This combination suggests that resolving workplace conflicts and seeking collaboration with colleagues can help improve your career progress and alleviate frustration.
  2. Personal Projects: You’ve been working on a personal project, but progress has been slow, leading to impatience and frustration (Seven of Pentacles Reversed). Additionally, you’ve been avoiding addressing certain issues and conflicts related to the project (Five of Wands Reversed). This combination indicates that addressing these issues head-on and seeking input and collaboration from others can help move the project forward more effectively.
  3. Relationship Dynamics: In a relationship, you might be feeling dissatisfied with the lack of progress and growth (Seven of Pentacles Reversed). At the same time, there have been underlying conflicts and tensions that have not been addressed (Five of Wands Reversed). This combination suggests that open communication and addressing these conflicts directly can help resolve tensions and improve the relationship dynamics.

Love and Relationships

In the context of love and relationships, the combination of the Seven of Pentacles Reversed and the Five of Wands Reversed can signify a period of frustration with the lack of progress and the need to address unresolved conflicts:

  1. Addressing Unresolved Issues: The Seven of Pentacles Reversed indicates dissatisfaction with the relationship’s progress, while the Five of Wands Reversed suggests unresolved conflicts. It’s essential to address these issues directly and have open, honest conversations to resolve tensions and move the relationship forward.
  2. Improving Communication: Avoiding conflicts can lead to ongoing dissatisfaction. The Five of Wands Reversed encourages improving communication and not shying away from difficult discussions. Effective communication can help resolve misunderstandings and restore harmony in the relationship.
  3. Seeking Patience and Understanding: Relationships require patience and understanding. The Seven of Pentacles Reversed advises managing impatience and recognizing that growth and progress take time. Focus on building a strong foundation and be patient with the process of nurturing the relationship.
  4. Collaborative Efforts: Working together towards common goals can strengthen the relationship. The combined energy of these cards suggests seeking collaboration and cooperation in addressing issues and making plans for the future.

Career and Finances

In the realm of career and finances, the combination of the Seven of Pentacles Reversed and the Five of Wands Reversed offers insights into how to address frustrations and conflicts:

  1. Reevaluating Strategies: If you’re feeling frustrated with your career progress or financial situation, the Seven of Pentacles Reversed advises reevaluating your strategies. Assess what’s working and what needs adjustment, and be open to making necessary changes.
  2. Resolving Workplace Conflicts: Workplace conflicts and competition can hinder progress. The Five of Wands Reversed suggests addressing these conflicts directly and seeking resolution. Collaboration and teamwork can help create a more harmonious work environment and improve productivity.
  3. Setting Realistic Financial Goals: Unrealistic financial expectations can lead to dissatisfaction. The Seven of Pentacles Reversed advises setting realistic financial goals and being patient with the process. Focus on long-term financial planning and avoid hasty decisions.
  4. Improving Work Relationships: Building positive work relationships and seeking opportunities for collaboration can enhance career progress. The combined energy of these cards suggests that working together with colleagues and fostering a cooperative work environment can lead to better outcomes.

Personal Development and Spiritual Growth

When it comes to personal development and spiritual growth, the Seven of Pentacles Reversed and the Five of Wands Reversed can provide valuable guidance:

  1. Addressing Inner Conflicts: The combination of these cards can point to inner conflicts and dissatisfaction with personal progress. The Five of Wands Reversed indicates the need to address these internal struggles and find inner harmony. Practices such as meditation, journaling, or seeking support from a counselor can help achieve inner peace and clarity.
  2. Reevaluating Personal Goals: The Seven of Pentacles Reversed calls for reevaluating your personal goals and strategies. Take time to assess what’s working and what needs adjustment. Be open to making necessary changes to align your efforts with your long-term vision.
  3. Managing Impatience: Impatience can hinder personal growth. The Seven of Pentacles Reversed advises managing impatience and recognizing that progress takes time. Focus on the journey and celebrate small achievements along the way.
  4. Seeking Support and Collaboration: Personal growth can be enhanced by seeking support and collaboration from others. The combined energy of these cards suggests that working together with others, seeking guidance, and sharing experiences can lead to greater personal and spiritual development.

Health and Well-being

In the context of health and well-being, the combination of the Seven of Pentacles Reversed and the Five of Wands Reversed offers insights into how to address frustrations and conflicts related to health:

  1. Reevaluating Health Goals: If you’re feeling frustrated with your health progress, the Seven of Pentacles Reversed advises reevaluating your health goals and strategies. Assess what’s working and what needs adjustment, and be open to making necessary changes.
  2. Addressing Health Conflicts: Avoiding health-related conflicts or issues can lead to ongoing dissatisfaction. The Five of Wands Reversed suggests addressing these issues directly and seeking resolution. Open communication with healthcare providers and seeking support can help improve health outcomes.
  3. Managing Impatience with Health Progress: Impatience with health progress can lead to frustration. The Seven of Pentacles Reversed advises managing impatience and recognizing that health improvements take time. Focus on long-term health goals and celebrate small achievements along the way.
  4. Seeking Collaboration for Better Health: Working together with others, such as healthcare providers, fitness coaches, or support groups, can enhance health and well-being. The combined energy of these cards suggests that collaboration and seeking support can lead to better health outcomes.


The combination of the Seven of Pentacles Reversed and the Five of Wands Reversed in a tarot reading offers a complex and dynamic message. It highlights the need to address frustrations with progress, reevaluate strategies, resolve conflicts, and seek harmony. By understanding and navigating the energies of these cards, you can find a balance between patience and proactive action, ultimately leading to growth, progress, and fulfillment in various aspects of your life.

Whether you’re facing challenges in your career, relationships, personal development, or health, this powerful combination encourages you to address conflicts head-on, seek collaboration, and be patient with the process of progress. By doing so, you can overcome obstacles, achieve your goals, and find a sense of satisfaction and harmony in your journey.

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