The Justice and Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card Combination

The Justice and Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card Combination. In the realm of Tarot, each card serves as a mirror reflecting the intricacies of the human experience. Among the countless combinations that grace the Tarot deck, the pairing of Justice and the Wheel of Fortune stands as a testament to the eternal dance of karma and destiny. In this article, we embark on a journey to unravel the profound symbolism and wisdom encapsulated within the synergy of these two powerful cards.

The  Justice:

The Justice card embodies themes of balance, fairness, and accountability. Depicted often as a figure seated on a throne, holding a sword and scales, Justice represents the principles of truth and integrity. It reminds us that every action has consequences and encourages us to seek harmony and equilibrium in our lives.

Key themes associated with Justice Tarot Card:

  1. Fairness and Equity: At its core, Justice symbolizes fairness and equity. It calls upon us to uphold the principles of honesty and integrity in our dealings with others, ensuring that everyone is treated with respect and dignity.
  2. Accountability and Responsibility: The scales held by the figure in the Justice card represent the weighing of actions and their consequences. Justice reminds us of the importance of taking responsibility for our choices and actions, recognizing that we are accountable for the impact we have on the world around us.
  3. Legal Matters and Contracts: In Tarot readings, Justice often signifies legal matters, contracts, or agreements. It suggests that justice will be served, and decisions will be made based on a careful consideration of the facts and evidence at hand.


The Wheel of Fortune:

In contrast to the deliberate balance of Justice, the Wheel of Fortune represents the ever-turning cycles of life and the inevitability of change. Depicted as a wheel with figures ascending and descending, the Wheel of Fortune symbolizes the fluctuations of fate and the opportunities that arise from embracing life’s ups and downs.

Key themes associated with the Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card:

  1. Destiny and Karma: The Wheel of Fortune reminds us that life is governed by forces beyond our control, often described as destiny or karma. It suggests that our actions and choices have consequences that shape our future, and that we are bound by the laws of cause and effect.
  2. Change and Transformation: Just as the wheel turns, so too does life evolve and change. The Wheel of Fortune invites us to surrender to the natural cycles of growth and transformation, trusting that each twist and turn brings us closer to our true purpose.
  3. Opportunity and Serendipity: Despite its associations with fate, the Wheel of Fortune also symbolizes opportunity and serendipity. It suggests that even in the midst of adversity, there is the potential for growth and new beginnings, if only we have the courage to seize them.

wheel of fortune tarot card    Wheel of Fortune tarot card

The Combination of Justice and the Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card:

When Justice and the Wheel of Fortune appear together in a Tarot reading, their combined energies create a potent synergy, offering profound insights into the interplay between karma and destiny.

  1. Balancing the Scales of Fate: Justice reminds us of the importance of fairness and integrity in our dealings with others, while the Wheel of Fortune symbolizes the ever-turning cycles of destiny. Together, they suggest that our actions and choices have consequences that shape our future, and that by aligning ourselves with the principles of justice and truth, we can navigate the twists and turns of fate with grace and integrity.
  2. Embracing Change with Equanimity: The Wheel of Fortune represents the inevitability of change, while Justice calls upon us to take responsibility for our actions and choices. When these two cards appear together, they suggest that by embracing change with equanimity and integrity, we can navigate life’s ups and downs with grace and resilience.
  3. Honoring the Law of Cause and Effect: Justice reminds us that every action has consequences, while the Wheel of Fortune underscores the role of destiny and karma in shaping our lives. Together, they invite us to recognize the interconnectedness of all things and to honor the law of cause and effect, trusting that our actions will ultimately lead us towards our true purpose.


The combination of Justice and the Wheel of Fortune in a Tarot reading offers a profound invitation to explore the interplay between karma and destiny in our lives. It reminds us that we are bound by the laws of cause and effect, and that by aligning ourselves with the principles of justice and integrity, we can navigate the ever-turning wheel of fate with grace, courage, and wisdom. As we journey through life’s ups and downs, may we draw upon the insights of Justice and the Wheel of Fortune to seek balance, fairness, and truth in all that we do.

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