The Chariot Tarot Card: Meaning & Impact on Love, Wealth

The chariot tarot card is a symbol of determination, willpower, and triumph over obstacles. In tarot readings, it often signifies a period of growth, progress, and success. However, its interpretation can vary depending on the context of the reading and the surrounding cards. In this article, we will delve deep into the meanings of the chariot card and explore its impact on love, wealth, relationships, and careers.

The Chariot Tarot Card Meaning:

The Chariot card is represented by a figure riding a chariot pulled by two opposing forces, typically depicted as sphinxes or horses. This imagery symbolizes the need for balance between opposing forces such as ambition and patience, control and spontaneity, or inner desires and external responsibilities.

Chariot Tarot Card

  1. Impact of the card on love and relationships: In love readings, the chariot card often signifies a period of intense passion, drive, and determination. It can indicate a time when you or your partner are taking charge of the relationship, overcoming challenges, and moving forward with purpose. If you’re single, this card suggests that you may meet someone who embodies the qualities of the chariot: ambitious, focused, and ready to conquer the world alongside you.

However, the chariot’s influence on love can also be a warning against being too aggressive or controlling. It reminds us to find a balance between pursuing our desires and respecting the needs and boundaries of our partners. If the chariot appears reversed in a love reading, it may indicate a lack of direction or a struggle to find harmony in the relationship.

  1. Impact of the Chariot Card on Wealth and Finances: When it comes to wealth and finances, the chariot card represents a period of financial stability and success. It suggests that your hard work, determination, and strategic planning will pay off, leading to material prosperity and advancement in your career or business endeavors.

However, it’s essential to note that the chariot’s influence on wealth is not just about monetary gain but also about the disciplined management of resources. It encourages you to stay focused, avoid impulsive decisions, and maintain control over your financial situation. If the chariot appears reversed in a financial reading, it may indicate a need to reassess your priorities, avoid overconfidence, and make prudent choices to avoid setbacks.

  1. Impact on Relationships and Communication: In the context of interpersonal relationships and communication, the chariot card signifies assertiveness, confidence, and clear direction. It encourages you to express yourself honestly, assert your boundaries, and take decisive action to achieve your goals.

When dealing with conflicts or challenges in relationships, the Chariot advises approaching situations with a sense of diplomacy and determination. It reminds us that effective communication, coupled with focused intent, can lead to resolution and progress. However, be mindful not to come across as domineering or aggressive, as this can hinder healthy interactions.

  1. Impact on Career and Ambitions: The chariot tarot card is highly relevant in career readings, symbolizing ambition, drive, and career advancement. It suggests that you are on the right path toward achieving your professional goals, and your hard work and dedication will lead to recognition, promotion, or success in your chosen field.

Chariot Tarot Card meaning

Moreover, the Chariot encourages you to embrace challenges and take calculated risks to propel your career forward. It reminds us that success often requires stepping out of our comfort zones, overcoming obstacles, and staying focused on our long-term objectives. However, beware of becoming too single-minded or overly competitive, as maintaining a healthy work-life balance is crucial for sustained success and fulfillment.

Combination of the Chariot Tarot Card:

Here are some possible combinations of the Chariot tarot card with other cards in a tarot reading, along with their interpretations:

  1. Chariot + The Lovers:
    • This combination suggests a powerful union based on shared goals, determination, and mutual respect. It indicates a relationship or partnership where both parties are equally driven and committed to achieving success together. It can also represent a harmonious balance between love and career ambitions.
  2. Chariot + Ace of Pentacles:
    • This combination signifies a period of financial success and stability achieved through hard work, determination, and strategic planning. It suggests opportunities for career advancement, material prosperity, and the potential for long-term wealth accumulation.
  3. Chariot + Strength:
    • When these cards appear together, they symbolize inner strength, resilience, and the ability to overcome obstacles with courage and determination. It indicates a time when you have the power to navigate challenges, assert your boundaries, and achieve your goals through focused intent and self-discipline.
  4. Chariot + The Emperor:
    • This combination represents strong leadership qualities, authority, and control over one’s life or situation. It suggests a time when you are taking charge, making decisive decisions, and establishing a solid foundation for success in both personal and professional endeavors.
  5. Chariot + Three of Cups:
    • When these cards appear together, it signifies celebration, unity, and joyful collaboration with others. It suggests a time of coming together with like-minded individuals, forming supportive networks, and achieving shared goals through teamwork and camaraderie.
  6. Chariot + Ten of Pentacles:
    • This combination represents long-term financial success, stability, and abundance. It indicates the fulfillment of material goals, legacy building, and the potential for prosperity across generations. It suggests a time when your hard work and perseverance lead to lasting wealth and security.
  7. Chariot + The Hermit:
    • When these cards appear together, they suggest a period of introspection, self-discovery, and inner guidance. It indicates a time when you may need to retreat from external distractions, focus on your inner journey, and find clarity and direction through solitude and reflection.


The chariot tarot card holds profound insights into various aspects of our lives, including love, wealth, relationships, and careers. Its symbolism of determination, willpower, and triumph reminds us of the importance of balance, discipline, and strategic planning in pursuing our goals and aspirations.

Whether you encounter the chariot in a tarot reading or resonate with its energies in your life, remember that its influence is a call to action—to take charge, stay focused, and navigate life’s challenges with courage and resilience. By harnessing the power of the chariot, we can unlock our potential, achieve success, and embark on a fulfilling journey of personal and professional growth.

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