The Four of Pentacles Tarot Card with Meaning, Love and Wealth

The Four of Pentacles Tarot Card with Meaning, Love and Wealth. In the captivating tapestry of tarot, each card unveils a unique narrative, offering profound insights into the human experience and the journey towards self-awareness and growth. Among them, the Four of Pentacles stands as a potent symbol of stability, security, and material wealth. As we unravel the layers of symbolism and interpretation within this card, we discover its significance in matters of love and relationships, as well as its implications for financial prosperity and personal fulfillment. From its depiction of a figure holding tightly onto their possessions to its association with stability and control, the Four of Pentacles invites us to explore the delicate balance between material security and the pursuit of inner richness.

The Four of Pentacles:

In traditional tarot decks, the Four of Pentacles depicts a figure seated on a throne, clutching onto four pentacles with a tight grip. Their posture is rigid and defensive, their expression one of guardedness and reluctance to let go. The figure’s feet are firmly planted on the ground, symbolizing stability and security, while their closed-off stance suggests a fear of loss or scarcity. Despite their apparent wealth, the figure’s inability to release their grip on their possessions speaks to a deeper sense of insecurity and attachment.

Meaning and The Four of Pentacles:

The Four of Pentacles symbolizes stability, security, and a strong attachment to material possessions. When this card appears in a tarot reading, it often signifies a need to find balance between holding onto what we have and embracing the potential for growth and abundance. It suggests that the querent may be experiencing a sense of fear or insecurity around their finances or material resources, leading them to cling tightly to what they have out of fear of loss or scarcity.

In matters of love, the Four of Pentacles represents a fear of vulnerability and intimacy in relationships. It suggests that the querent may struggle to open up emotionally or to let go of their need for control and security. This card encourages individuals to examine their attachments and fears around love, knowing that true intimacy and connection require a willingness to be vulnerable and open-hearted.

In the realm of wealth and finances, the Four of Pentacles symbolizes financial stability and security, but also a tendency towards greed or hoarding. It suggests that the querent may be holding onto their resources out of a fear of scarcity or a desire for control, rather than embracing the potential for growth and abundance. This card encourages individuals to adopt a more balanced approach to their finances, knowing that true wealth comes from a mindset of abundance and generosity.

Love , Relationships and The Four of Pentacles:


When the Four of Pentacles appears in a love reading, it often signifies a fear of vulnerability and intimacy in relationships. The figure’s tight grip on their possessions reflects a reluctance to open up emotionally or to let go of their need for control and security.

For those who are single, the Four of Pentacles may indicate that the querent is holding back from fully investing themselves in a relationship, out of fear of being hurt or rejected. It encourages individuals to examine their attachments and fears around love, knowing that true intimacy and connection require a willingness to be vulnerable and open-hearted.

In existing relationships, the Four of Pentacles represents a need to address issues of trust and control. It suggests that the querent may be struggling to let go of past hurts or insecurities, leading to difficulties in fully connecting with their partner. This card encourages couples to have open and honest conversations about their fears and attachments, fostering a sense of trust and security in the relationship.

Wealth and Finances The Four of Pentacles:

In matters of wealth and finances, the Four of Pentacles symbolizes financial stability and security, but also a tendency towards greed or hoarding. The figure’s tight grip on their possessions reflects a fear of loss or scarcity, leading them to cling tightly to what they have rather than embracing the potential for growth and abundance.

This card serves as a reminder that true wealth comes from a mindset of abundance and generosity, rather than a fear-based mentality of scarcity and control. It encourages individuals to adopt a more balanced approach to their finances, knowing that by letting go of their attachments and fears, they can create space for greater prosperity and fulfillment.

Image result for tarot four of pentacles images
Image result for tarot four of pentacles images

The Combination of the four of pentacles with Other Tarot Cards:

The Four of Pentacles takes on new layers of meaning when paired with other tarot cards, offering deeper insights into its influence and significance. Let’s explore some of these combinations:

Four of Pentacles + The Fool:
This combination represents a fear of taking risks and stepping into the unknown. The Four of Pentacles symbolizes a fear of loss or scarcity, while The Fool embodies spontaneity, adventure, and new opportunities. Together, they suggest that the querent may be holding back from embracing new possibilities due to a fear of leaving their comfort zone.
Four of Pentacles + The Tower:
When these cards appear together, it signifies a crisis or disruption that challenges the querent’s sense of security. The Four of Pentacles represents a fear of loss or scarcity, while The Tower embodies destruction, chaos, and sudden change. Together, they suggest that the querent may be facing unexpected upheaval in their life that forces them to confront their attachments and fears.
Four of Pentacles + The Empress:
This combination represents a need to cultivate abundance and generosity. The Four of Pentacles symbolizes a fear-based mentality of scarcity and control, while The Empress embodies nurturing, creativity, and abundance. Together, they suggest that the querent may need to let go of their attachments and fears in order to embrace the potential for growth and prosperity.
Four of Pentacles + The Hermit:
When these cards appear together, it signifies a period of introspection and self-discovery. The Four of Pentacles represents a fear of loss or scarcity, while The Hermit embodies introspection, wisdom, and inner guidance. Together, they suggest that the querent may need to take some time alone to reflect on their attachments and fears, seeking clarity and understanding from within.
Four of Pentacles + The Devil:
This combination represents bondage and attachment. The Four of Pentacles symbolizes a fear-based mentality of scarcity and control, while The Devil embodies temptation, bondage, and materialism. Together, they suggest that the querent may be trapped in a cycle of fear and attachment, leading to difficulties in finding true freedom and fulfillment.
Four of Pentacles + The Star:
When these cards appear together, it signifies hope and healing. The Four of Pentacles represents a fear of loss or scarcity, while The Star embodies hope, renewal, and divine guidance. Together, they suggest that even in the darkest of times, there is always the potential for healing and transformation, knowing that by releasing their attachments and fears, the querent can create space for greater abundance and fulfillment.


The Four of Pentacles invites us to examine our attachments and fears around stability, security, and material wealth. Whether in matters of love and relationships or wealth and finances, this card reminds us to find balance between holding onto what we have and embracing the potential for growth and abundance. Through its interactions with other tarot cards, the Four of Pentacles offers deeper insights into the complexities of attachment and the importance of cultivating a mindset of abundance and generosity.

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